Health Risks of "Penitensiya"

The holy week is a regular holiday in the Philippines.  A time to reflect and remember the sufferings of Christ for our salvation.  Even major malls are closed on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Many Filipino Catholics often depict the sufferings of Jesus Christ during the Lent by self-flagellation or what we call "penitensiya".

Despite the prohibition of the Catholic Church and other government agencies, still many of our countrymen especially the kapampangan continued doing this.

As I was observing the penitents that are passing by, it is still noticeable how most of the people lack knowledge of the risks that this might cause. Observe the people on the video below.

The Department of Health advises those who would still like to undergo penitensya to consult their rural health physician before and after the activity.  If the health workers are observing the universal precaution in their workplace, penitents must also be aware of the possible infections they might contact. An example is tetanus which is found in the soil where penitents usually lie while taking a rest.

Sharing of blades used to inflict wounds at their back must be avoided especially now that Hepatitis and HIV cases are increasing rapidly.

Aside from these infections, penitents might also suffer heat stroke because they often walk barefoot under the sun for long hours. Signs of a heat stroke include a sudden rise in body temperatures, a feeling of weakness, and when a person suddenly stops perspiring.

Since children are on vacation, they tend to follow the penitents while watching them.  Always remind them to stay far to prevent contamination with splattered blood that might give rise to possible infection.

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